1.Tell about yourself. 2.Explain in your project and where you expert in your project. 3.write a procedure to display the dublicate row. 4.Explain index. 5.how can index increase the performance. 6.what is the view and mview. 7.about dbms_job. 8.explain trigger. 9.able to insert the value using trigger? 10.Perfomence tuning. Ebix 2nd Round Questions 1. Explain your project 2. What is your Recent work request 3. How to delete duplicate records in a table with scenarios 4. Can function returns multiple values 5. What is Sequence 6. What is SQLERRM 7. How will you store the error datas in seperate table 8. Explain about execute immediate 9. What is Synonyms Ebix 2nd Round Questions 1)about gavs technology full detail. 2)about ur projects 3)give 3 features b/w 11G and 12C 4) by using function 1st parmeter "ababcabacaba" 2nd parameter char(1) ie "a" How many a place in fst parameter. 5) boolean variables. 6)implicit cursor Ebix 2nd Round Questions 1.Self Introduction 2.explain your project 3.write a procedure by giving dept Id as input and output should be the total count of duplicate values. 4.Explain table partitioning and it's advantages . 5. Explain btree index. 6.difference between view and mview 7.Explain index hints 8.what is a package Ebix 2nd Round Questions 1. Tell about yourself 2. Day to day activities 3. Project details 4. Procedure to delete duplicate rows 5. Indexes 6. Explain about exceptions 7. Performance tuning 8. Last work request 9. What is SQLERRM?